
Biblical Worship: Theology for God’s Glory is unavailable, but you can change that!

A biblical theology of worship spanning both the Old and New Testaments. While many books on worship focus on contemporary trends, Biblical Worship plumbs every book of the Bible to uncover its teaching on worship and then applies these insights to our lives and churches today. A team of respected evangelical scholars unearths insights into a variety of issues surrounding worship, including: ...

distant from his covenant people, whom he had just liberated from centuries of enslavement under Egyptian taskmasters. He is nearby and “dwells [shakan] in their midst” (Exod. 25:8). The imminence of this holy God is then further highlighted by the overwhelming use of the word mishkan. Therefore, the interplay between these two words, miqdash and mishkan, in the book of Exodus reveals to the reader a blessed theological truth—the transcendent God is also imminent and in their midst. In addition to
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